Cocoa beans are native to parts of Central and South America and have been harvested to make natural skin moisturizers in places like Mesoamerica and the Caribbean for centuries. Because it has a mild fragrance, a smooth texture (due to its “emollient” properties), and is ultra-hydrating, cocoa butter is a very popular ingredient today around the world in all sorts of commercial beauty products.
In fact, cocoa beans themselves have been shown to be one of the greatest suppliers of polyphenols in our diets. Some of these antioxidants remain in cocoa butter even after it’s separated from the bean’s solids, which means it’s beneficial for improving immunity, lowering inflammation and improving heart health.
For Skin that Feels Velvety, Smooth & Soft: Young Chemist’s Cocoa Butter is used to heal and moisturize skin that has been exposed to the elements and is a great source of antioxidants that help combat free-radicals and help save your skin.
For a Youthful Elastic Skin Complexion: Our Organic Unrefined Cocoa Butter can improve skin tone and elasticity, decrease present stretch marks and help prevent future ones.
Protects Your Skin’s Natural Oils: Thereby leads to a significant decrease in dryness.
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